Technically a sequel, this second installment in the South Korean Whispering Corridors series is probably the most well-known of the movies, none of which share characters or connected storylines. Memento Mori is a classically surreal, stylish, and eerily beautiful ghost story of the modern, Eastern horror film tradition, made more notorious at the time of its release by its depiction of teenage lesbian romance (almost unheard of for a commercial film in the culturally conservative nation). It tells the tale of star-crossed couple Hyo-Shin (Yeh-Jin Park) and Shi-Eun (Yeong-Jin Lee), students at an all-girl high school, through the eyes of fellow student Soh Min-ah (Gyu-ri Kim), who discovers their shared diary. Hyo-Shin commits suicide after bullying from their peers causes Shi-Eun to leave her, and soon the school is terrorized by escalating paranormal chaos.
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